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I don’t know whether it will help someone who experienced the same with work bully in Australia. I suffered very bad from a group of work bully workmates. It began from a group of girls who gossip, aggressive criticism, harassment, hide my belonging ….to public aggressive behavior and swearing……..

At last, I did formal report and my workplace issue anti bully policies. I suffer mental healthy for a while due to workplace bully; I use my own story and if you had same experience and need took action to stop workplace bully. This type of bully people will not stop and will do further to damage mental health. I did all research about workplace bully and work safety in Victoria. The first step is about to record what they did, what they said, what they treated you.

If you expected that the group of bully people will change from their heart or will naturally stop. The answer is No. You need do something to stop. Worse thing is doing nothing and let them to continue to hurt you reckless.

I wrote down some suggestions and tips about how I walked out from sadness from work bully. It is lucky that I took action and didn’t let workplace bully went to further.

1, I try to build deep relationship with high integrity people. I become quite interested in few people. I show real genuine caring for them. For example, I will remember their birthday and knew their family members.

I found that deep relationship helps me to build trust and social networking, it also helps me to distract my negative feeling and learn some different view and interests from this group of people. For example, money is not major issue in my life anymore due to I build a good portfolio of property. I didn’t quit job mainly because I miss the connection, social, self-satisfaction from life.

In the past, in my spare time, I always building and renovation…… I never try to build deep relationship with many people, I also didn’t invest in social work. All boss change and I were lucky to meet one really professional boss which can really listen and put strategy on work. I think another point I learn is purpose of life. Need find my new purpose of life. Also focus on current and unhurried life. From small things, you found real enjoyment. Busy mind and busy body mean exercise, it will reduce blue feeling.

2. Kindness and giving. Giving including time, energy, money and praise and encouragement. I feel that I am on the process to help or share my knowledge with few people. It is blessing for giver. Because I feel some sense of self satisfaction and meaningful. It help me reduce negative thinking and blue feeling. Some people became more happier and willing to share with you their deep thinking and you gain trust from them. I used to become a little bit disappointed sometimes, I didn’t get response for the people who I give kindness. Later, I change my viewpoint, real kindness is not expected anything back. As giver, I have already blessed on the process.

3, Meditation and exercise. Now, I set up routine and every day, I do meditation every morning and every night. It is including sleep, positive self-talking and self-caring with deep breath, clear all negative thinking in my mind for short while. I found that it is really help.

4, I list all my past successful experience which I am proud. When negative thinking and bad memory from bully people came to my mind, I always think that I am not the same

I am not the same level of people like them. For wealth, for mind and for integrity…. I cannot communicate or even care what they think of me because they are not the same level. I also did report to change whole environment of my workplace. My previous boss issue anti- bully and equal policies and asked 64 staffs are sign and agree. It means that I am 1/64 to do positive change and make sure no people will suffer workplace bully anymore. It also another sign that my previous agree with bully behaviors what this group of low-end workplace bully girls. Because my previous engaged outside investigation to do research.

5, I keep writing every day and record what I think, it helps me to come down and improve or change strategies which I can use in future. I began to add more article to this blog and put more energy to record mental health article in this blog. It will become some stimulation for me to record my life. Hopefully it can also help another people who experienced the same.
 6, Reading and sharing large number of books. 20-50 self-development, psychology, mindset, welling being, Health eating…books.

Busy mind and busy body mean exercise, it will reduce blue feeling. Sometimes, I still didn’t walk out fully yet. Because I still cannot face to the people who bully me very badly. Such as shout rude and swearing words and smash door……But I think that I change another view to think things. It made me to think that I don’t need so many toxic people who put u down and be very bad in heart. Just need focus on good people. List something you really proud of yourself, have self-confirm and love ,you will walk out slowly.

It is true and negative emotions is some part of normal emotion too. The life journey actually always up and down and never be so smooth. I began to write down article sometimes and contributed in reader digest magazine. I didn’t mind whether be publish or not, just something meaningful to do

I wish all this suggestions and tips can help someone who experienced or suffered workplace bully in the world.


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