If you do sports or are going to perform any other intense physical activity, be clear that the body needs to have enough energy to be able to carry out that extra effort without falling into exhaustion. Do you want to know how to charge batteries before training? A good rest and certain foods are the keys to get the energy needed to train each week.

Getting quick energy that allows you to train more intensely depends fundamentally on what you eat before training. The explanation is simple. Food, especially those rich in carbohydrates (sugars), are the main source of energy from which we obtain the “fuel” necessary for effective training. “The availability of glucose in the body must be high at the moment of maximum effort,” explains nutritionist José Luis Diaz. If it is insufficient, tiredness and fatigue will not take long to appear.

Where to get immediate energy prior to training?

The diet of an athlete must be tailored to their specific needs and the specific activity carried out. In addition to following a personalized eating plan, it is important to use an extra energy intake before exercising to ensure that our body is ready to carry it out.

As a general rule, getting quick energy to train to the fullest implies eating foods that are easily digested and that suppose a good caloric intake in the form of simple carbohydrates, those that are transformed very quickly into the glucose that the body demands to get going and give the maximum in each workout.

You have sports drinks that perfectly fulfill this function, industrially they are developed for it, and in addition we also have foods that are ideal to give you quick energy before training. The most recommended are:


Their high content of easily absorbed simple sugars (glucose, fructose) and soluble fiber, which is better digestible, makes them a perfect snack to take 15 – 20 minutes before a strength training or starting a hard race.

Pear, apple, grapes or a ripe banana are ideal energy fruits for athletes and excellent options to start training. Red fruits: strawberries, pomegranate, blackberries … They are another extraordinary source of energy for exercise that also has a high antioxidant power capable of stopping the action of free radicals generated by sports activity.


Without a doubt, one of the energy foods par excellence since most of them provide around 650Kcal / 100g. This caloric intake makes them recommended as a source of extra energy before exercise. A handful of walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts will give you the strength of carbohydrates, protein intake and also healthy fats to take care of you while you train


A bowl of milk with cocoa is a natural energy drink that will also provide you with vitamins and an extra magnesium, an ideal mineral as a complement to physical activity. A serving of chocolate (as pure as possible, with a minimum cocoa content of 70%) is also a delicious way to get quick energy before training.

How to always have enough energy to train?

With deposits “at zero”, your body will not be ready to start a training session or a sports event. The foods that we have described, which are sources of immediate energy for before training , must be part of a balanced diet and in order to fulfill their function they must be treated as a regular supplement within a complete and personalized nutritional plan .

Taking a fruit half an hour before training is an excellent way to obtain the quick energy you need, in the form of sugars that provide the necessary calories to burn during exercise, but for this healthy practice to work, you must not have previous energy deficiencies. For example:

To finish, one last tip, don’t forget that proper hydration is another key so that you don’t lack energy. You should never start a physical activity if you are not well hydrated. “Dehydration reduces physical performance and can be harmful, but excessive hydration can be uncomfortable or not so beneficial. Therefore, the athlete must also give importance to the hydration plan”, recommends the nutritionist José Luis Diaz.



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