The Spinning is an aerobic activity ideal for keeping fit, lose weight and burn stored fat. It requires perseverance and go, little by little, increasing the duration of each session, but if you want the results to be visible as soon as possible, take note of what to do to burn more calories in each Spinning class. Keep reading!

In this sport, the lower body is the one that works most intensely, but pedaling also involves the abdominal muscles and that of your arms. Getting on the bike and pedaling to the rhythm of the music is an excellent option to get rid of localized and persistent fat. To achieve maximum effectiveness and to burn as many calories as possible with Spinning, there are some details that should be kept in mind.

Proper shoes, a good posture while you practice it and a very specific way of training are some of the keys to losing weight with spinning, before, during and after each training.

Tips to burn more calories with Spinning

The bicycle used in Spinning has its own characteristics and you should feel comfortable while pedaling so that you can hold out longer and get better results in each workout. Check that the saddle is at the proper height by standing next to it and checking that it is level with your hip bone. Also note that the handlebar must always be above the seat and that the distance between the two elements (handlebar and saddle) must be the equivalent of the measurement of your forearm. After the checks, get on the bike and start pedaling!

If you hesitate between running and spinning, you should know that this last modality can help you lose weight more quickly. To burn more calories practicing Spinning, do also:

30-40 minute sessions

You have to be realistic and, although in any sport you have to start little by little, so that your body begins to pull its fat deposits and obtain the energy it needs, at least 30 minutes of constant effort are necessary. The burning of calories in Spinning depends on your resistance level. In addition to taking into account some tips to start a Spinning class properly, try to reach half an hour, to start burning carbohydrates, and then fat.

Includes climbing and descents

The bike supports different options and playing with them will help you eliminate more calories in each Spinning session. Don’t just pedal flat. Make it a bit more difficult by incorporating uphill sections, both uphill and downhill.

Change the rhythm

Your effort in the gym will be much more effective if you combine different speeds and include high speed intervals (HITT). A good practice is to end each session with a powerful final sprint that keeps the calorie burning going for hours after your workout is over.   Keep in mind that, to promote recovery, your metabolism will continue to be active and accelerated, sending oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and, therefore, burning more calories.

What should you keep in mind to lose more kilos in Spinning?

The way you train each time you get on the bike is the basis for increased calorie burn with Spinning. Changes of pace, hills, high intensity intervals. They are decisive to achieve your goal, but there are some tricks to get the most out of each session.

  1. Control your heart rate with the help of a heart rate monitor. Try to work at an average rate of 60% of your heart capacity, raising it, in specific intervals, up to 70% (always depending on your physical condition).
  2. Don’t neglect hydration. It is essential to drink water before, during and after each workout. The presence of liquids (a bottle of water next to the bike) will help you to more easily eliminate fats and toxins, also favoring a longer stay on the bike.
  3. Wear suitable footwear. Choose a shoe with a hard and resistant sole that contributes to strong and safe pedaling. With them you will obtain the maximum performance in each movement and you will be able to burn more calories doing Spinning in the time that you propose.


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