Often when you think of weight lifting as a workout, protein powder shakes and bulging muscles come to mind. But lifting weights is much more than that. The truth is that starting to lift weights can help you achieve your fat reduction and weight loss goals. In the same way, it will help you to mold your muscles so that you can achieve an optimal physical state.

Obviously, when starting to lift weights, it is advisable to start with light and moderate figures. The weight must be very light so as not to overload the muscles at the beginning, and that the whole training becomes a nightmare from that moment on. When you have already achieved a certain ease and above all technique to perform the exercises, it is best to gradually increase the weight.

It is very important to adapt the weight you lift to your physical conditions and limitations. If you don’t know how much weight you should lift in the gym, don’t hesitate to read on for the answer.

How do I know how much weight to lift in the gym?

Keep in mind that if you are training a specific muscle group, you usually do 4 sets of 8, 10 or 12 repetitions. To have a good reference, we must choose a weight with which from the seventh repetition, we begin to notice a high load sensation. In addition, you also have the option of lifting weights without increasing the weight. In this way, tremendously effective resistance training can be designed.

For example, choose a weight and do between 15 and 25 repetitions of any exercise:  squats, deadlifts, military press, rowing. Make sure you do clean and uninterrupted repetitions and rest between them as long as you need. Once you have done the 25 repetitions, you will be able to find out if you lifted a lot or a little, depending on your physical needs and your limitations.

Resistance training can serve multiple goals. There are four main areas of focus to help you decide how much weight to lift in order to progressively gain muscle mass:

  1. Muscle hypertrophy. It refers to the growth of muscle size.
  2. Muscular endurance it refers to the repeated muscular effort with submaximal force.
  3. Muscular strength. It refers to the muscular effort with the maximum external force.
  4. Muscle exertion with maximum force, as fast as possible within a given movement.

Depending on the objectives of the training subject, we will choose one or another area at a certain time. Two or more areas can also be combined, as long as the training plan is designed by a professional and qualified coach.

Also, before starting a new exercise routine to start lifting weights, it is important that we speak with our doctor. He can give us the necessary review to make sure that we can perform whatever physical activity is and that we do not run the risk of injuring ourselves.

In short, what must be taken into account is that it is a commitment in time. The best way to be successful in any athletic endeavor, including resistance training, is to gradually increase the difficulty and scope of what you are doing. Don’t overload your exercises at first. Trying to reach your goals within the first two months can do you more harm than good. It can cause overtraining, injury, or loss of interest.

Tips to avoid injury when lifting weights

Finally, we advise you to rest to perform better in your weight training. It is very important to respect adequate muscle rest times.

Depending on the intensity of the session, the muscle will need between 24 and 72 hours to be ready for a new one. For this reason, try not to work the same muscle groups on consecutive days.

In addition, we encourage you to consider the following tips to prevent injuries when lifting weights:

  • Avoid excessive training. Don’t do too much at once and get plenty of rest outside of the gym.
  • Get a proper warm-up before lifting weights. Two to eight minutes of aerobic exercise followed by two to eight minutes of dynamic stretching or mobility training is recommended.
  • Don’t forget about stretching. Spend 5-10 minutes of low-level aerobic exercise followed by 5-10 minutes of static stretching or self-massage to help lengthen your muscles and return your body to its “pre-exercise state.”
  • To recover, use ice and heat. Ice can help reduce inflammation and swelling.

Now that you know the weight you should lift in the gym to be in shape, follow our training tips. This way you will be prevented from possible injuries and you will achieve your goals more quickly.


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