If we want to lose weight, one of the best options, without a doubt, is to train. The sport will burn those extra calories us and help us get the figure we want. Of course, we must not forget that food is key when it comes to losing weight, and that we must combine sport with a good eating habit or our efforts will be of no use.

Something that often happens is that we get hungry after training or that we directly think we have to reward ourselves with something. Our body asks us for calories, but we should not fall into the trap of going too fast food, because if we do, we will never get rid of that fat that we want to destroy. Also, as we don’t have time, we put the first thing we catch in our mouths, without assessing its nutritional quality.

Today we propose 5 healthy post-workout snacks so you can eat after each workout and make sure you take proper care of yourself.

Ideal snacks for after training

Before we get into recommendations, diets and recipes, you have to know that what your body asks you to recover energy after a workout are carbohydrates. In the same way, you will also have to introduce proteins to recover physically, so combining these two nutrients in the healthiest way will be a great option. Do you want to know some ideas of snacks for athletes? Keep reading and know the best snacks you can have after training:

1. A bowl of milk with whole grain cereals

If you go for a run in the morning or you usually go to the gym first thing in the morning, this is a good option to have breakfast after training and recharge for the whole day. Of course, select a skimmed milk version and that does not mean that it has more sugar and as for cereals, not just any will serve, only the whole grain without refined sugar.

That is to say, it is not worth having a glass of cereals with chocolate and sugar, because this way you will not lose weight, but there are more options of healthy cereals that do not contain sugar and will be good for you to face the day with energy after your training. An example of a healthy snack that you can have after training is a good handful of rolled oats with milk. It also serves as a complete and nutritious breakfast before a morning workout.

2. Banana with peanut butter

Another sweet alternative for those who are eager to regain energy after their intense training. It is a good post- workout snack option for the hungriest and consists of eating a banana mixed with two tablespoons of peanut butter. Before you start eating, keep in mind that peanut butter must be pure, it is not worth it being mixed with sugar or oil, and otherwise it will lose all grace.

3. Vegetable omelet

If you fancy a healthy, salty and hearty post-workout snack, a vegetable omelet will be a good option to recover after training. If you’re hungry when you leave the gym, try mixing bell peppers, onions, zucchini, and spinach with two whole eggs. Remember to make the tortilla at a low temperature, so that the vegetables cook well.

«If you still want to be more satisfied, you can add more clearly. With the pasteurized egg white bottles it is easy and practical. It is a great option to replenish with essential amino acids after your workout, “recommends nutritionist José Luis Diaz Cruz.

4. Sweet potatoes and egg

Many athletes wonder if they should include egg whites in their diet after exercise. When you are hungry and you finish exercising, try eating sweet potatoes and eggs in the oven. It is a recipe that combines the energy of sweet potatoes with eggs, a high protein food. It may take a little longer to prepare, but if you are hungry it will be worth it and you will also be helping your metabolism to recover in a healthy way.

5. Protein bars

Not all are worth it. Rather, a large part of the ones you find are not worth it. First, read the label carefully and do not choose a bar that has more than 10 grams of sugar or less than 10 grams of protein. This option is if in your case you do not have food on hand or a way to cook it, a protein bar will be a very good option for a post-workout snack. You can take a protein energy bar to your training and eat it afterwards wherever you want, either walking down the street or in the office.


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