Treadmill or elliptical? They are two of the common machines that you can find in any gym and both give excellent results if what it is about is to stay in top shape and eliminate a few extra pounds. If you want to know if you will burn more calories with the treadmill or the elliptical, read on.

Both devices are ideal for aerobic training, which accelerates your heart rate and consumes a good dose of energy. Dedicating enough time to them, at least 30-40 minutes per session, you will burn fat with both the elliptical and the treadmill, but with which one can you lose weight more easily? It is impossible to give a definitive and immovable answer, because it must be taken into account that the result of any gym machine depends on your physical characteristics, your effort and the intensity of your training.

Train with the elliptical or the treadmill to lose weight?

There are different opinions but, in general, coaches consider that running on the treadmill implies a slightly higher caloric expenditure although, we insist, losing more or less weight on the elliptical or on the treadmill will depend on multiple factors, including: the speed of the exercise, the incorporation of high intensity intervals (HIIT), the resistance of the machine or the presence of “inclines and slopes” in the route.

These two gym equipment, always one of the most requested, are basic for cardio training and if your goal is to lose weight, both are effective. To give you an idea, 30 – 40 minutes running on the treadmill, maintaining a heart rate between 60% – 70% of the total capacity, involves the burning of about 350 – 450 Kcal. While in the elliptical, the expense would be around 300 – 350 kcal.

As you can see, the difference is not too appreciable, so when choosing a treadmill or elliptical to lose weight, more than the number of calories consumed during exercise, you must take into account the characteristics of each machine and the possibilities that you offers to know which is the most suitable for the type of training you want to do. You may burn a little fatter on the treadmill but you will have to assess the pros and cons of each device. Remember that:

  • The elliptical involves a very complete cardio exercise, not only of the lower body, but also of the arms, thanks to the lateral poles that serve as handles and that mobilize the upper muscles.
  • The treadmill is great for burning calories and training to improve your running records, but running is an impact sport (watch your joints!).

How to burn more calories on the treadmill and elliptical

If facing summer, which is approaching, you are determined to lose a few kilograms with the help of the treadmill or the elliptical, remember that working on both devices involves a fairly similar caloric expenditure and that your training method will be the that it provides you better results. To burn the maximum calories possible on the treadmill or elliptical, take into account the opinion of a qualified personal trainer or monitor and follow these tips:

  1. There are no miracles. In both cases, consistency is essential to notice results. Training 30 – 40 minutes and at least 2 times a week is the only way to achieve your goal.
  2. Increase times and resistance progressively. Once you are fit enough, remember that you can increase the resistance level of either of these two machines. The greater the resistance, the greater the effort and the more caloric expenditure.
  3. Change the rhythm. Combining walking, trotting and running on the treadmill is more effective than training at a steady pace. On the elliptical you can also walk at different speeds to improve results.
  4. Finish with a minute of sprinting. Ending a maximum speed interval will, in both cases, keep your body burning calories in the recovery phase, once the exercise is over.



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