Nowadays, launching into the practice of running is one of the usual ones both among athletes and among people who want to start in the world of sports. Some shoes and some space is all you need to start running. And it is that, its benefits both physically and psychologically are difficult to ignore.

As in all sports, one of the main factors that we must take into account when practicing running is motivation. If you are an advanced runner and you have been running for a while, you have surely noticed how your promotion has stalled. At the beginning of running, we all improve in both endurance and speed, and that progress motivates us to keep going. However, after a while our training stagnates. What can we do?

The first thing is to realize that this has happened because our body has become used to this exercise. It’s almost like running is no longer a challenge, and to put it back in this position we have to do new things that allow us to move forward and surpass our personal best. Read on to find out how to improve your personal running brand and some basic tips to achieve it.

1. Run more miles each time

If we want to improve our brand we will have to do something different, because there comes a time when the simple fact of training does not make us improve, but only that we stay. Therefore, if you want to run more kilometers in less time, we recommend that each day you increase the number of kilometers you run.

It is important that the workouts always go to more and not to less. That is, if you are going to run 7 kilometers one day, do not do 5 the next day, because this will make it difficult for your brand to be affected in a positive way. Therefore, you must carry out your workouts progressively, so that your body gets used to moving forward.

2. Practice fartlek

If you are a regular runner this term will surely sound familiar to you or you are already familiar with it. In this case, perfect, since fartlek is one of the most effective formulas that exist to improve your brand if you practice running. If you still don’t know how it works, don’t worry, we’ll tell you about it.

The fartlek training is based on the exchange rate, which is achieved by our heart gets used to a faster high training. In this way, if we intersperse different rhythms, we can run faster and faster and make our body improve its performance.

To start fartlek you should combine very intense rhythms with softer rhythms, so that you can do a race but increasing speed from time to time. A good idea if you have just started in this world is to combine 4 minutes at a slow pace with 30 seconds at a high pace.

As in all occasions, we can also get used to this training, so each time we will have to change the rhythms until we run longer and longer at a high pace. In this way we will get used to our body at a higher rate and improve our personal brand.

3. Lead a healthy life

Do you want to improve your marks as a runner? You may have launched yourself into running but you have not managed to stop certain habits that can make your brand look completely disadvantaged. For example, eating a balanced diet and staying at an adequate weight is essential for your body to perform at its best.

On the other hand, the consumption of tobacco or alcohol can cause your performance to deteriorate. It is not that you are never going to have a drink again, but if going to beers or gin and tonics is a regular in your day to day, it would be better to start slowing down in this regard.

Do not forget to consult all your doubts with your personal trainer so that he can help you design an adequate training plan to improve your marks in the time that you propose and always depending on your possibilities and physical condition.



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