My reflections regarding to different leaderships.

I worked with two type of different leadership style and there is huge difference between them. It took me a while to know them. I would like to write down the differences. I will use different kinds of strategy to adjust my work style.

When I used to one leadership style, and it is quite hard for me adjust another leadership style very quickly. But it will quite be beneficial to summary as reference. It will add more knowledge to read people.


My mentor leadership

1, She always check how it whole teamwork and she focus on the huge picture as team, not focus on small individual issue.

2, Her communication is very open and transparent and inclusive, every team in her project are inclusive. Communication style is verbal and company dairy, team. All things were written by in company dairy and team, everyone is at same page and not has miss info.

3, She is mindful of inclusive manners and even she is close with some teammate, such as I thought that we are close. But I observed that she tries to very equal and fair, mainly is open and inclusive and she didn’t want any team members feel exclusive.

4, For small project, she empowers people’s strength to complete all project individually, take ownership of project. For paperwork, she empowers the room leader to finish. For program and room set up, she empowers people’ s contribution. She didn’t feel their contribution which will damage her authority.

5, For some work, she did role model and also did a lot by herself. So subordinate will work hard to. She allocated the job equally and cooperatively.

6, For professionalism, she kept her privacy only with her same social status. I used to make mistake and think that she is my close friend, but the reality is I am just subordinate and need build clear boundaries back and know my position well. Never act her best terms

7, She said that she loves conflicts and she deal with conflicts very well and professionally. She set up clear boundaries and listen things necessary. When people told her a lot of gossip, she will shut down politely and not go further or distract in right direction.

8, She is very strong leader with strong self-confidence, high emotion intelligence.

9, She wear good social mask a d you know that which people she like sometimes, but from surface, she is very warm and good with everyone. The boss, the management and the colleagues and clique group.

10, When order some resource, she will include and informed every team member and encourage their contribution and respect their request.

11, Very organized and communication is short sentence, never waste people’s time, don’t like long wailed.


Her leadership is very transparent communication, respect, not hold personal grudge and conflicts long, she can change old enemy to her new allies, toxic previous boss is her best allies.


My another leader style

1, She is very gentle nature and talked quite long. As result, she didn’t finish her work on time. She needs always work overtime.

2, Low effectiveness and low organization.

3, She didn’t have priority list and in her personal life, there is not priority either. Her private life links a lot with her sister.

4, She gave me a lot of beautiful encouragement words which my mentor never gave to me before. I really appreciate her word touch.

5, She is visual learner. She cared very much visually. But she made a lot of mess and some strategies are not constantly.

She loves all beautiful things and have high expectation for that. As result, she need redo all works which another people did, wrote. So, she lost most important parts of her role. Because lose in detailed.

6, She is very good listener, when you have conflicts with another

colleagues, she will listen all with empathy, but she cannot help, or not strong enough to deal with. She didn’t want to upset no one. But as leader, you must set up clear boundaries and guide people to finish things. No people will do things auto.

7, She is peace maker, and she didn’t like conflicts and confront people. She is sensitive and like me.

8, She lacks self-confidence and have self-doubt sometimes. like me in the past, she is not used to ask people to do things. Occasionally she asked them to do. But it was not well organized and clear.

9, For social intelligence, she is very good with her empathy, warm and gentle nature. A lot of people love her gentle touch. She put her clients as first behind herself.

10, For authority, she loves fully to control and she didn’t like empower people to finish their project, she like them to follow her, respect her.

11, Communication, not very transparent communication and as team, we give resource order, but we never got informed what we bought.

Some strategy for me to work with this type

1, lay back and don’t need highly organized like my mentor.

2, Work as flow and mainly need listen to her when she talk her idea, ask her suggestions.

3, If she didn’t ask me to contributed idea and suggestions, just work as assistant and flow. Don’t need give a lot of suggestions and idea. Because she and my leader had already have a lot of knowledge.

4, Work as team for organization, but not overtake leader role and always ask their idea as team, how we can cooperate.

5, When she suggests or told me something, mainly listen and accept. Not but.

My strength

1, I am very kind nature and

2, For social intelligence, I learnt that I need set up clear boundaries with few toxic characteristic people. Think them as fools and work with fools with delightly. Very strict boundaries with the, including physical distance and not oversharing anything. Be very mindful towards their’ potential friend.

3, I am very cooperative, and the goal is get job done.

Be clear role and not by push around by the casual sometimes. Also learnt the pass mistakes and not show too much leadership and guild people to do things, it is not my role. When you overtake role a d it will make increase of envy. In the past, I did at 2021, it mainly because a lot of staff away and I were force to in that position.

4, In the past, I seldom talk and gossip with people at back of people. Only in the very trust and safe environment, I shared with my mentor or few trust colleagues about my views.

5, In this year, I never said any bad things about my colleagues at front of my mentor. She trained me very well. I did share some strategies with my trust leader a d how to deal with passive and aggressive type of colleagues.


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