Controlling hydration is essential both before and after exercise. But do you hydrate properly when you exercise? Next, we will help you to know if you are doing it correctly or if you need to take action. Summer has arrived, so you no longer have excuses not to go out and do some physical activity, as long as you follow the pertinent tips for training outdoors in hot weather. And it’s that outdoor activities are a great way to put fun into fitness, but they require paying special attention to hydration.
When it’s hot, your body perspires more to self-cool. And depending on the temperature, humidity, and the nature of your activity, you may not even realize how much you’re sweating. Don’t just rely on thirst to know when and how much you need to drink. To keep our muscles working and avoid the onset of fatigue, it is extremely important to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after activity.
Drink before, during and after exercise to hydrate yourself
A good guideline to follow when preparing for an outdoor workout, whether it’s walking, running, biking, or playing tennis, is to drink about two glasses of fluids two hours before the activity. This helps make sure you are well hydrated before going outside.
Then during activity, try to drink a little every 15-20 minutes to keep our muscles well hydrated. If you are planning an hour walk or a workout at the gym, fill a water bottle with about a liter and take it with you. Lastly, drink after finishing each exercise.
How to hydrate when exercising
Proper hydration is vital for athletic performance and health. To perform at your best, you must learn to drink enough before, during, and after your workouts. For most outdoor activities, old-fashioned tap water is enough to properly hydrate when exercising. If your activity lasts an hour or more, either fruit juice diluted with water or a sports drink will provide you with carbohydrates for energy plus minerals to replace the lost electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) in your sweat.
The sports energy drinks can give you a boost of energy needed for its activity. They are designed to quickly replace fluids and increase the sugar (glucose) circulating in the blood.
Read the label to determine which sports drink is best for you. Ideally, it will provide around 14 grams of carbohydrates, 28 mg of potassium, and 100 mg of sodium per 8-ounce serving. The carbohydrates in the drink should come from glucose, sucrose, and / or fructose, all of which are easily and quickly absorbed. It should not be carbonated, as the bubbles can cause an upset stomach.
Most sports drinks are well diluted and contain relatively few calories. If the taste of a sports drink helps you stay hydrated, by all means enjoy. If you are concerned about added calories, try diluting your sports drink with water or you can also pour it into a thermos filled with ice.
Before a race, a race or a training session, drink plenty of fluids. The day before an event, drink extra water, fruit juices, and / or other nutrient-rich liquids like skim milk or 1 percent milk. Each athlete has unique hydration needs. By weighing yourself before and after exercise, you can estimate the volume of fluid your body needs to stay hydrated during exercise.
Now that you know everything you need to know about how to properly hydrate when we exercise, put your knowledge into practice to enjoy your workouts this summer.