No one can deny that sport benefits us in a lot of ways. It makes us feel better and more energetic, helps us focus, and improves our health. In addition, thanks to it we produce endorphins, the hormones of happiness, which make us feel in a better mood. Therefore, there are many reasons to do a little exercise, and today we focus on a compelling reason, that of doing sports to lose weight. Today you can calculate the physical activity you need to lose weight. Keep reading!

There are many people who want to lose weight, and if we look for information about it, we will surely find thousands of different sources that give us ideas of what we can do. Sometimes, too much information or advice on the subject can be confusing, so if we really want to lose weight, we better know something more about how to calculate the level of daily activity to lose weight.  And it is that, launching ourselves to exercise without more, may not give a good result.

Calculate the activity you need step by step

To start, you need to think about what it is that you really want to achieve with exercise. The ideal training routine for you will be different if you want to lose a few kilos, maintain your current weight, or lose a large amount of weight by combining exercise with a healthy diet. In any case, focusing on one goal will help you find the right activity.

Also, you will have to start from your weight and know your caloric deficit. This means that each person consumes a few calories and we burn them in more or less time. So turning to a virtual calorie calculator to find out will be the first step. You just have to fill in some data, such as your gender, your age and your weight, and you will get how long you need to practice per day. It will also be important that you enter what activity you do, since they all do not burn fat equally.

To make a quick calculation of your ideal physical activity, you can think about the tactic that nutritionists use. They are based on an average that establishes that for every half a kilo that we weigh, we must ingest 14 to 17 calories for women, and between 15 and 18 for men.

You should know that each person is different, and each of us needs a different level of physical activity to lose weight. Also, the activity you need may vary from one moment to another in your life. For this reason, we recommend that you compare yourself, but try to improve yourself day by day.

The best exercises to lose weight

Both diet and sports are important to lose weight. While it is true that you can lose weight in many ways, the only healthy way is to combine these two methods, and also, the one that protects you the most from rebound effects. And it is that, leading a healthy life is one of our best allies to have a better physical appearance.

If you are going to do sports to lose weight, it is essential that you enjoy the activity you choose. If you have fun while burning calories, you are much less likely to give up your effort and throw in the towel. In the same way, remember that it is important not to get saturated, especially the first few days, if you do, you may discard the idea of ​​continuing with the exercise.

The aerobic exercise like walking, running or biking, they are ideal for weight loss. The choice will depend on the taste of each one and also on the physical form that we have. If we prefer something more livelily, we can opt for a rumba, body pump or spinning class. Remember that you must be consistent with the exercise, and practice it daily for it to work. Of course, it is important that we keep 1 or 2 days a week off. In short, if you want to exercise to lose weight, make sure they are 3 to 5 days a week.



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