Do you like to practice swimming? The relationship of the human being with the aquatic environment goes back a long way, from our primate ancestors in Africa more than four million years ago to the present day. Water not only makes our life possible, but also allows us to enjoy it in a myriad of activities.

We generally associate these activities with the summer period, since the temperatures allow us to cool off and also do any type of water sport in a more comfortable way. However, even if we associate them with summer, we can practice them throughout the year. The best known activity is Swimming, a sport with many benefits for our health.

Why should you motivate yourself to swim?

There is no doubt that motivation is a very important aspect to practice any sport and, of course, also to swim. But what makes swimming one of the most important sports for leading a much healthier and more complete lifestyle? Here are the 8 main reasons why you should practice this sport. You dare? Find the motivation you need to swim in the pool or in open water with these reasons:

1. A complete exercise

Swimming favors the resistance, flexibility and power of the body, which makes it a sport in which you involve all the parts of it, removing the worries of exercising one by one each part that interests you. The variety of swimming styles helps to specify the parts that you want to work the most.

2. Weight loss or maintenance

Being a complete exercise and for the simple fact of staying afloat, swimming involves burning calories and helping to lose excess weight or act as an exercise to maintain your ideal weight. Therefore, you can lose weight with swimming in a healthy way and stay in shape for longer.

3. Avoid injuries

How to avoid the most common sports injuries? By doing this activity in the water, the movements are less abrupt, which reduces the risk of injuries that other types of sports can cause on a regular basis.

4. Relieves pain

Carrying out this activity in the correct way helps to alleviate daily muscle aches and allow an improvement in a certain period of time, such as back pain or other muscular pain.

5. Agility

In the aquatic environment our body weight is reduced by ten percent, which makes us feel much more agile when carrying out any activity in this environment. Overweight or elderly people find it much more comfortable and rewarding to perform this type of exercise.

6. Reduce stress

This type of sport requires a lot of coordination, so our mind is attentive to correctly perform the type of exercise we carry out and forget about other day-to-day problems, an anti-stress break that helps us recharge our physical and mental batteries.

7. Boost memory

This is another of the great advantages that swimming offers and one of the best ways to motivate yourself to swim. The necessary control of breathing makes our brain oxygenate better, which, together with coordination, encourages the brain to generate neural links that help improve memory.

8. Entertainment

It is an activity that can be fun, it evokes childhood and all those moments in our life that we associate with water. It also allows us to carry out group activities, with which we socialize much more than in other types of sports.

As you will see, each and every one of the aforementioned reasons encourages us to carry out this activity that has all the characteristics to benefit from its practice. Everything is starting, One, two, and three into the water!


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