After a while without exercising or after a very intense work session, the body will end up resenting and generating an involuntary tension, which we will appreciate through heaviness and loads in certain parts of the body. The back, legs, arms, neck and shoulders are usually the parts most affected by this accumulation of efforts. That is why rest after exercise is essential. In fact, did you know that there are many natural relaxants for recovering muscles after training? Discover them all below.

How to relax your muscles in a healthy way

Instead of resorting to overly aggressive treatments, such as the consumption of drugs or medications, we suggest using natural remedies to relax the muscles after training and that are available to everyone. Many of them can be taken as an infusion, allowing not only to improve the state of the muscles, since they will also favor other organs of the body.

It should also be noted that these natural treatments to improve muscles after training have no side effects and are more effective than drugs although the effects take longer to become visible. In addition to these natural relaxants, you also have to eat a balanced and healthy diet, where fruits and vegetables occupy a preferential place in the diet.

Among the natural relaxants to relax the muscles we find infusions, but also techniques such as water baths, electro stimulation for athletes or stretching. Among the most used options to relax the muscles are the following:


It is the most widely known tranquilizer. It calms the muscles that are excessively tense and with its anti-inflammatory properties it helps to relieve cramps. It is a widely used plant also to relieve anxiety, stress or menstrual disorders.


It is used quite often in cooking to add aroma and flavor to food. In the field of health it also contributes to relaxation. It is enough to make a bath of immersion adding a little rosemary to calm the spasms and tensions in the muscles. Rosemary oil is also often used to restore muscles after training. In that case we will do a gentle massage in those areas with more overload.


This is one of the best medicinal plants to recover after training. It has an important sedative effect to control sleep disorders and anxiety, but it has also been used for many years to relieve tension in the neck. Through an infusion of valerian or through natural pills you can benefit from the advantages of this plant to relax muscles after training.


Since ancient times, the spicy version has been used to recover after intense training, in addition to calming pain and cramps. For this, radish essential oil is usually used, which can be mixed in the immersion baths that you do with hot water or through a massage.

Cranberry juice

Blueberries is another of the natural relaxants to recover muscles after training. A juice of this fruit before and after physical efforts helps to accelerate the recovery of muscle damage. Do not forget that blueberries have antioxidant properties and reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.


This purple flower has many properties to treat different ailments. One of the most effective muscle relaxants is lavender flower oil. To do this, you must massage the painful area with circular movements to increase blood circulation, and then take a hot shower that relaxes the body and mind.

Cold water or ice

They are natural anti-inflammatories, which will prevent the muscles most affected by exercise from suffering from excessive inflammation. You only need to put your legs or the area most affected by the effort in ice water or ice for ten minutes. If you shower with cold water every day, you will thus be able to calm the discomfort.


Although overlooked by many athletes, spending 15 minutes stretching should be a must. You must keep the muscles tense until the pain appears, trying to do it in a correct way.


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