Do you want to start training with the weighted vest? Exercising with the added weight generated by the weighted vest is a form of exercise that has been gaining followers in recent times. By having an additional load to body weight during training, you will be exercising the body more, because the muscles are forced to work harder and with additional tension.

Whether you want to train at home or if you prefer to do it in the gym, we are going to give you a series of instructions so that you can incorporate exercises with a weighted vest into your workouts. Keep reading!

Exercise routine with weighted vest

If you want to start exercising with a weighted vest, here is a selection of the best routine you can follow to practice with this accessory:

1. Bulgarian squat – 10 reps per leg

Start your weighted vest workout routine with a mighty challenge. One foot in a box, put the other foot in front. Lower yourself by putting both legs with your knees at 90 degrees and then push up. Did you do 10? Switch to the opposite leg. It is more difficult than it seems, do not trust yourself with the repetitions.

2. Pull-up over the hand – 12 reps

Grab a barbell with an overhand grip and hang it at arm’s length. Raise yourself up until your chin crosses the bar. No cheating, please. Pause at the top and then control the descent.

3. Pressure planks – 6 reps on each arm

Then, lean on your forearms and toes to finish this exercise with the weighted vest. In turn, put your hands where your elbows were and stretch your arms. Get down and then switch sides. Yes, we know it hurts, but you will soon see the payoff all over your torso.

4. Pistol squat – 4 reps on each leg

Squatting too easy? Try pistols. Pick up one foot and take it out. Get down as low as you can, then get up. Do at least 4 reps and then switch sides. Try not to fall, for which, keep your chest high and your butt out, as much as possible.

5. Sit-ups – 3 reps

You don’t need new abs machines. On all fours, walk your hands forward until your stomach is only a few inches off the ground, then reverse the movement.

6. Box jump – 5 reps

This move enhances any sport. Place a box about knee-high, squat down, and swing your arms back. Jump and land on the box. Go down and repeat this jump first in series of five, which you should gradually increase. Be careful because the additional weight of the weighted vest will be noticed.

7. Burgees

Performing this exercise, like box jumps, is tremendously effective in improving physical fitness. Regardless of the sport, if you are able to do at least ten burgees, you are in shape. Try once you have reached your first goals to do it with the weighted vest, you will see the difference.

8. Plyometric skater jump – 3 jumps in each direction

Now to work some smaller abdominal muscles. Cross your left leg behind your right and do a half squat bend. Jump to the left and swap arms and legs. Keep jumping from one side to the other as many times as you can.

The weighted vest will increase the load and power you need to carry out the exercise, achieving more effectiveness in less training time. Now you know 8 good exercises to start working with the weighted vest. Use this guide for inspiration, but remember that you should always exercise in the company of a professional trainer. In this way, you will avoid the risk of falling injured due to poor posture or incorrect technique when practicing each exercise. Keep in mind that you will have additional weight, and your muscles will be more demanding for this reason.


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