Do you want to stay in shape at any time and without leaving home? Well, take note of the simple exercises that you can do with the help of a towel in a short time and in a minimum space. Super effective to train all your muscles and with something as simple as surprising.

It is not always necessary to go to the gym or train with machines and accessories such as dumbbells, bands or fit balls. A towel can give a lot of play to train at home if you know how to use it to put your muscles to work with excellent results. Choose a towel that is large enough and with a good thickness. Little more you need. Spend 15-20 minutes doing this strength exercise routine with a towel and you will see how you tone your arms, legs and abdomen without even realizing it.

How to train at home with a towel

There are no excuses. The exercises with the towel as an ally are easy and you can do anytime, anywhere. Sneakers, comfortable clothes, your towel and the desire to work the muscles of the whole body with little effort. Ready?

  1. Sitting in a chair, step on one end of the towel and hold the other with one hand. Bend your elbow without separating your arm from your side while you pull on the towel that will act as resistance (it should be of adequate length so that it is difficult for you to bend your elbow). Hold the pose for a few seconds and release. Repeat at least 5 times. You will notice how your biceps grow.
  2. Standing, hold one end of the towel with your right hand and bring it over your shoulder behind your back. The towel should follow the line of your spine so that you can grasp it at the other end with your left hand. Pull both ends up with your right hand and down with your left and your triceps work harder than you think. Repeat the exercise alternating both arms.
  3. Hold the towel and roll it up, as if it were soaked and you wanted to wring it out. Roll and unroll several times. Very easy and also very effective.
  4. Complete the previous exercise with another ideal for both arms and to tone the pectoral muscles. Take a towel, in this case rather small. Hold it at both ends with your arms stretched forward and at chest level. Pull each hand to opposite ends, as if your goal is to break the towel in two. Perfect for your arms and to “raise” the chest.
  5. Inverted “V”. Stand on the towel and bend your torso forward to support your hands on the floor. It is precisely about achieving the position “^”`. Next, slide your feet back, slowly, with the help of the towel (watch out for slipping!) Until you are able to do the “plank”, that is, stay horizontal without touching the ground. Hold for a few seconds and return to the inverted “V” position pulling your hips. It’s a tough towel exercise but an excellent abs workout.
  6. Oblique. Take each end of the towel with one of your hands and pass it behind your back. Keep it taught by stretching your arms well. Then do lateral trunk extensions. Fold to the right first (back straight), return to the center and repeat to the left.
  7. Lying on your back, bend your knees, stepping on the towel with both feet. Raise your hips and contract your buttocks while pressing the towel, transmitting the strength of your legs to the soles of your feet. Slide the towel back and forth slowly, always pressing it with your feet to achieve contraction of the lower body muscles and also to avoid giving yourself a good “butt”.


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