Having the knowledge and support that a personal trainer can provide you is an excellent opportunity to get the most out of the time you dedicate to your workouts. Talking with him and answering all your questions is essential to take advantage of this advantage that you have at your fingertips. Take note of the questions that you should not stop asking your personal trainer and that we reveal to you below.

Especially if you start in the gym or it is the first time that you have an exclusive coach for you, surely you will ask yourself important questions related to both the training and experience of the professional, as well as the training itself.

What should you ask your personal trainer?

Before starting training, be confident and ask your personal trainer anything that worries you or wants to know. It is important to start, on the right foot, a relationship that will undoubtedly help you meet the goals you have set for yourself:

Training, experience and training methods

Asking your coach about his professional career and his way of working is essential to know what a personal trainer should have and to know if he is the right person to plan and follow your workouts. Possible questions can include:

  1. What is your training? It is not essential for a personal trainer to have a specific title, but it is desirable that they have studies related to physical activity and sport(if they have completed a Bachelor’s degree, the better). Also ask your coach if they have basic knowledge of anatomy and nutrition, important in two fields: when it comes to preventing injuries and to establish the most appropriate diet in your case.
  2. How you work and what is your training philosophy? It is a key question, because each monitor trains in a certain way. For some, motivation and perseverance are fundamental pillars, although progress is slower. Others, on the other hand, want to offer their clients fast results and demand total commitment when complying with their instructions, no matter how harsh they may be. Know the method that your potential coach follows and decide.
  3. Specialty and level of training. It is essential to ask your personal trainer about his specialization in a certain sport or activity: running, cross fit, bodybuilding, aerobics. Also, you should know if he generally trains beginners or people already introduced to sports practice, to be clear if it is the coach that suits you.

Ask your personal trainer about what your training will be like

The above are preliminary questions that you should clarify before choosing your potential personal trainer. If their profile matches your expectations, now is the time to focus on the specific questions about how your training will be in each session:

  1. What routine would you choose for me? Of course, it is not a fortune teller and before asking the question you will have to comment on your goals and talk about your habits related to sports practice. Find out about the planned routine: training days, session duration, essential exercises, intensity, repetitions the more details you know about your personalized training plan, the easier it will be for your coach’s goals and yours to coincide.
  2. When will I see the first results? It is a question that you should ask your personal trainer to avoid false expectations. Make it clear what your goal is: lose weight, increase resistance, gain definition and ask for professional information about the different training stages that you will carry out and about the approximate moment when you will notice the first satisfactory results. A good training professional will know how to calculate roughly.
  3. How and where do I start? We know that the first days of training are always the most complicated, so do not hesitate to comment with the person who will be your personal trainer on any issue that concerns you, from the most suitable equipment you will need, to the ideal diet that you should start to follow according to your goals.

It must be emphasized that trust is essential when putting yourself in the hands of a personal trainer, so before deciding, ask your personal trainer any question that is important to you.


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