If you do running, certainly more than once you’ve wondered how you can burn more fat running. The way you train, the kilometers traveled, the time or the speed are factors that determine your energy expenditure in the race and also the amount of fat you eliminate. Find out how to combine them for optimal results.

Running, cycling, or swimming are aerobic activities, which involve burning a large amount of “fuel” so that your body can perform them. It must be clear that when you run, the first thing your body consumes is the direct energy provided by carbohydrates (glucose and glycogen). In order to eliminate fat by running, your body must feel the need to pull its fat reserves and there are little effective tricks when it comes to achieving this.

How to lose more fat with running?

Do you want to eliminate localized fat when you run? If with each workout, in addition to increasing your power and endurance running, you want to gain muscle definition, reducing adipose tissue, take note of the keys to burn more fat while practicing running:

1. Go for a low intensity pace

In running, energy expenditure depends on the characteristics and physical shape of each person but, in general, coaches and experts agree that to burn more fat by running, the ideal is to maintain a constant and moderate pace. This does not mean that you cannot include a sprint or high speed interval of a few seconds or a more difficult running section, for example, uphill, but always returning at a pace that is comfortable for you and in which you can at least maintain yourself. 30-45 minutes. To give you an idea, the appropriate pace would be one that would allow you to jog while having a conversation.

2. Check your heart rate

Running at a slow pace means not demanding more than 50% – 70% of its ability to pump your bloodstream from your heart. In a high-speed section, your heart rate will be higher and will use the “explosive” energy that carbohydrates give you, that is, in that section you will burn a large amount of calories but, in reality, little amount of accumulated fat.

3. Watch your running posture and move your arms

It’s the way to get more effort and burn more calories by running with each stride. Train with your abdomen and glutes contracted, because in this way, without realizing it, you also train strength and gain definition while burning more fat by running.

4. Diet matters

What you eat before training and your usual diet will also influence when it comes to eliminating more fat while running. In general, you should not go running on an empty stomach. It is preferable to have a light snack, excluding fast-absorbing carbohydrates.

The idea is that you have enough energy to start the exercise but that, after a while (+/- 30 minutes), your body is forced to look for that energy in its fat reserves. A good suggestion is to include a drink with thermo genic properties such as tea or coffee. They are drinks that increase body temperature by accelerating basal metabolism, something that makes them perfect allies if your goal is to burn fatter while running.

5. Take advantage of COPD

With these acronyms, which respond to its name in English, the term COPD refers to the extra oxygen consumption that the body performs after exercise in order to promote its recovery. If you want to burn fatter running, train as we have indicated, at a gentle pace, but finish with a few seconds of greater intensity, so that your body continues to demand energy once the session is over. Thus, you will pull your fatty deposits for several hours.

6. Get enough rest and hydration

Remember that it is important to give your muscles the necessary recovery time after exercise. After a long run, of at least 45 minutes at a moderate pace and perhaps ending with a high intensity interval, it is time to stop and let the oxygenation process continue and help you shed more fat after running. Proper hydration is essential for the “dissolution” and expulsion of those fats that you want to disappear.


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