If you are about to face your first days training in the gym, you may find yourself halfway between excitement and uncertainty. It is normal, the first days of training in the gym are hard. The stiffness, the adaptation to the new training routines and all the factors such as the equipment, the planning of the diet or the alternation with the rest of your usual life are just some of the obstacles that you will have to overcome so as not to throw in the towel before weather.

But don’t worry, since in this short guide that we offer below, we are going to give you the best tips to start in the gym and get through your first days in the gym. Keep reading!

The best tips to get over your first days at the gym

If you have just joined the gym, we are going to give you a series of basic recommendations so that you can get through your first days at the gym and not throw in the towel too soon:

1. Constantly remember why you signed up

The predominant reason for joining a gym often has to do with some aspect of health. Although your only motivation may be simply to improve your physical condition.

Maybe you’re just looking for different ways to get active, trying to lose some weight, or you’re looking to join a new and exciting community that is gyms. One of the best tips for getting started in the gym is as you walk in the door on your first day, remember why you joined a gym and focus on the fact that you are taking the first step on a positive path. A change of life that will give immediate results if you are constant.

2. Find the ideal gym for you

We know that choosing your gym is not an easy task, especially if you are a beginner and do not have trusted references. Ask your acquaintances and find a gym that can easily be included in your daily routine. If you have one right next to work, you can go before you start your workday or just when you leave, it depends on your schedules.

Find out about the machines you will find in the gym, the group classes it offers and the rates or discounts available. Ask if they have personal trainers to help you get started in the gym and answer your questions during the first days.

3. Find the most comfortable exercises for you at the beginning

One of the doubts that many beginners in the gym have is whether they should perform volume or definition exercises during the first days. Also, the gym can be a place that seems hostile to you at first. You will soon see how this is not the case, that beginners are often the most respected and admired by the gym regulars. He thinks that they are used to, and know how to recognize the effort of those who start, whatever their age or condition.

That is why at the beginning it is advisable that you find those machines or directed classes that best suit your needs and physical condition. Did you enjoy cycling like nobody else? Get into indoor cycle or spinning, you don’t want to start with weights, you have TRX classes, and a thousand alternatives to start with the ones that make you feel the best.

4. Find a travel buddy

Is it better to train alone or with someone? Many people prefer to start alone, however, for many others, having a partner to go to the gym is an extra motivation. When one is in a somewhat low mood, the other can pull him / her and vice versa.

Going to the gym as a couple is also a good idea, as long as both of you are clear about your motivations and objectives, since it is silly to pay a fee to go to the gym to pass the time.

5. Stay motivated

Each person’s journey into the exciting world of fitness is unique, and we all need motivation from time to time. For you, the compliments you receive from your friends and family may prompt you to push harder in your next workout. You also have online communities for planet fitness members where they can share their success stories and encourage each other.

You will see members who have achieved results and receive positive and encouraging comments from other members in response. What better way to stay motivated than to feel supported by your gym buddies? We wish you luck in your new adventure and in your first days in the gym.


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