Bad posture, overtraining, a blow or a prolonged stress situation that ends up generating muscle tension. whatever the cause, take note of these home remedies to relieve your sore muscles , you will see how they work!

If you practice sports regularly, it is not strange that at a certain moment you suffer muscle pain. Working strength with a weight higher than recommended, not doing a good warm-up or an adequate post-training recovery period or simply spending too many hours in the gym can cause the fibers of your muscles to damage and pain appear , perhaps linked to inflammation of the affected area. You have medications that can help you, but also other options to relieve muscle pain naturally that should be considered.

How to relieve muscle pain naturally

Natural tonics, essential oils , aromatic herbs, seeds. Nature offers you effective remedies capable of reducing inflammation, improving circulation and relieving discomfort that is concentrated in a specific area of ​​your muscles. Take note of these natural remedies to soothe sore muscles:

1. Apple cider vinegar

It is a food with extraordinary cleansing properties that helps the body eliminate fats and toxins but, in addition, it is an excellent natural remedy against muscle pain. Dilute 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of warm water along with a little coarse salt. Wet a cotton cloth or mitt and apply to the affected area for a few minutes. You will notice relief almost immediately.

2. Rosemary essential oil

A refreshing warm bath is always relaxing and helps to improve any possible contracture, but if you want to enhance the beneficial effects of this lifelong remedy, try adding a few drops of rosemary oil to your bath water. The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary have been known since ancient times and the therapeutic use of its essential oil (always diluted) as a natural treatment against muscle pain and to promote relaxation of the legs after training is highly recommended.

3. Magnesium

The magnesium is a mineral and a micronutrient essential for the proper functioning of the whole organism. Sometimes, their insufficient presence is behind the muscle aches and pains that an athlete can suffer. If this is your case and you want to recover your muscles with natural remedies , increase your intake of foods rich in magnesium, such as green leafy vegetables, including spinach or chard, and also seeds and dried fruits such as walnuts or pipes. Pumpkin.

4. Pepper

Black peppercorns are a powerful pain reliever in which you will find natural relief for your sore muscles. You can make your own soothing compress by putting a few grains in a cotton bag. When you feel pain, put it in the microwave for a minute, so that it is warm, and apply it to the painful area. You will notice the heat effect in a matter of seconds and you will see how the discomfort is reduced or disappears. Another good idea is to dilute a few drops of pepper essential oil in half a glass of olive oil. In this way you will have a magnificent liniment with which you can give yourself a massage where there is pain and stay as good as new.

5. Mint

A sore muscle, perhaps due to the presence of a micro-tear in one of its fibers or due to the accumulation of lactic acid after intense training, improves significantly with some mint leaves that help to reactivate the blood circulation in the area. Calmed and stimulating the area in equal parts. Especially if you notice inflammation in addition to pain, prepare a cold poultice by boiling some mint leaves in a saucepan with water. Let cool, wrap them in a clean cloth and store for a few minutes in the freezer. Apply the cloth with the mint leaves on the affected muscles and the pain and swelling will decrease.

As you can see, you have simple and effective natural remedies against muscle pain that you can use instead (or as a complement) to different medications, but remember that if these pains persist, the medical consultation cannot wait long.


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