The more varied a runner’s training is, the better results he will get when it comes to achieving his goals. If your sport is running, combine your aerobic training with strength training by doing these exercises with TRX perfect for runners. Thanks to TRX training, you will gain power, endurance and balance.

The TRX is the accessory that you can use, in the gym or at home, to perform a complete suspension training that affects the muscles of your entire body. The elastic bands and stirrups of the TRX allow numerous exercises with which to intensely work the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower body with your own body weight as the only resistance.

TRX workout routine for runners

Do you want to start a training with TRX for runners? Try to combine the days you spend running the kilometers that you have proposed, with others in which you put into practice some of the best exercises with TRX for runners like the ones we present below:

Squat with TRX

The squat, in general, is one of the most complete exercises in fitness and doing it pulling with your hands on the TRX handles will help you keep your back straight at all times, undoubtedly improving your running posture. To do this bodybuilding exercise for runners with the TRX, take advantage of the support and stability provided by the device to do a deep squat, lowering the glutes as much as possible, so that all the lower body muscles are fully involved. In this exercise with TRX excellent for runners

Suspension stride

If you want to strengthen your core and noticeably improve your balance, try doing this effective stride. Stand with your back to the anchor of the TRX and support the instep of one of your feet in a grip. Bend the knee of the leg that remains on the ground while you push back the one that is in the stirrup. You must do it in a single movement, which in addition, you will have to coordinate with that of your arms. It is not easy, but try to maintain balance by contracting all the muscles of the trunk.


To combine your gym routine with running, you should know that the traditional Climbers Mountains cannot be missing among the most recommended TRX exercises for runners. Starting from the plank position (face down with your feet resting on the stirrups), try to keep your back straight without lowering your hips. When you’re ready, alternately bring your knees to your chest, first the right, back to the starting position, and then the left. To finish, try doing the exercise by raising both knees at the same time, to achieve rock-like quads and glutes.

Side leg extension

It is an exercise especially indicated to stretch the muscles of the lower body and increase flexibility. It consists of placing one of the feet in the stirrup and opening the legs laterally while descending by lowering the buttocks. Repeat the exercise at least 8-10 times working both legs.

Chest and arm extensions

Runners often forget the importance of working the upper body muscles and with this exercise with TRX for runners you can do it in the simplest way. With your back to the anchor, grasp the stirrups with both hands, letting your body fall forward while pulling on the elastic bands. Next, spread your arms laterally to train your pecks.

Benefits of TRX training for runners

Changing a couple of days of the week your training based on doing a certain race course for another sport practice or for a strength training with the TRX for runners  will bring you multiple advantages. The benefits of TRX exercises for runners include:

  • Improvement of the running position due to the intense work of the core muscles.
  • Increased flexibility and range of motion.
  • Increased power and endurance. Exercising with the TRX is tough strength training even if you don’t use extra weight, so it really does improve your overall muscles.
  • Reduced risk of injury. You work your muscles with minimal impact.
  • You avoid falling into the monotony of always repeating the same type of training.


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