Just started at the gym? Do you usually train at home every day but don’t see results? Then you may be making some typical training mistakes and you still haven’t realized it. Therefore, whatever the goal you set yourself with your sessions, it is important that you know what frequent errors when training, that your sports performance is not affected. Keep reading!

What mistakes should you not make when training?

Our body is very wise and it is important to listen to it to give it the best it deserves, especially when we exercise at home or in the gym. Therefore, if you perform a physical activity incorrectly, your body will perceive it and will not be able to achieve the results you expect. Next, we show you the most frequent mistakes in training so that you learn to exercise properly:

1. Do cardio first and then strength exercises

This is one of the most frequent mistakes on the first day of the gym. The reason is that by doing cardio in the first place, your later muscular capacity will suffer and therefore your muscles will have to exert much more effort to perform in strength training. Therefore, the ideal is to do strength exercises first and then cardio, in order to stimulate the muscular nervous system with strength exercises and prepare it for cardiovascular exercises. Instead, by altering the order, we will be fatigued our muscles and interfere with their improvement.

2. Take a lot of weight and neglect your technique

Many people become obsessed with lifting weights on their own that are too heavy, without taking into account the technique or the correct execution of the movements. In that sense, by making sure that you perform each exercise with the precise technique, you will be avoiding falling into injuries and your muscle fibers will adapt correctly to the movements. If, on the other hand, you change the technique or do not know it, you will divide the stress in search of fresh fibers as you fatigue, and this will cause a maladaptation in specific muscles and fibers.

3. Running to burn fat and lose weight

Have you ever heard that running is great for weight loss? Although many argue that fat consumption is higher during continuous running, the truth is that running is also very beneficial for burning fat and increasing energy expenditure after training. It is a mistake to think that running for a long duration helps you lose more fat. Therefore, the most effective methods to burn fat are those based on intervals or series, such as HIIT. It involves doing high intensity sprints followed by short rest periods in order to maintain intensity in the next interval.

4. Train with only one discipline

There are many people who limit themselves to performing a certain discipline (such as yoga, Pilates or running), but this is a mistake that should be avoided, since all the basic and coordinative physical capacities cannot be worked and it is not possible to carry out a complete workout. With this, the ideal to follow a balanced training is to combine two different sports that involve, if possible, strength and cardioflexibility, postural work, coordination, etc. Only in this way will you achieve general results for the whole body.

5. Stretch before training

Finally, another of the common mistakes in training is to think that by doing previous stretching our performance will improve. However, it is much more advisable to perform at the end of the training session to relax the muscles and replenish energy. Don’t forget to warm up well before exercising either.


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