The pulley is one of the usual machines in the gym that we do not always make the most of. It allows a wide variety of exercises and facilitates work with loads. If you have not yet discovered the possibilities of this device, take a look at the 5 benefits you will get by training with pulleys. Keep reading!

The pulley is a simple, effective and complete option to work the muscles, both large groups together, as well as specific muscles individually. Some believe that by offering a constant point of support, the exercises are easier to perform but, in reality, one of the benefits of pulley training is that the whole body must be held in tension to achieve balance. This is one of the advantages, but there is more

Why should you exercise with the pulley?

If you want to start exercising with the pulley in the gym, we show you the main benefits that this device can bring you:

1. Variety in training

Whether you are starting with this device or if you have a high level of training and want to avoid stagnation, the pulley is an option that you must take into account when incorporating new stimuli into your sessions. Pectorals, back, abdomen, extremities … you have specific exercises that make it possible to work on each area without the training being monotonous. In addition, the pulleys allow you to add different accessories such as bars, ropes or dumbbells so that you make the most of your minutes on the machine.

2. Optimal development of muscle fibers

One of the great benefits of pulleys is the fact that they make better use of the eccentric phase of each exercise. With the pulley, in that negative phase in which the muscle proceeds to lengthen after contracting, the tension is maintained causing each fiber to continue working throughout the execution of the exercise (not only in the concentric phase).

3. Greater range of motion

The pulley is a versatile element that allows you to vary the height of the rubbers that serve as resistance. By simply placing these force vectors at different heights, the training and intensity also vary, making the same muscle work from different angles. The result is a dynamic movement, which achieves better muscle development in less time.

4. Safe training

For beginners, pulleys offer numerous advantages. If this is your case, with them you can perform the movements of the different exercises avoiding possible injuries that can mainly affect your joints. Also, if you already have a high level in strength training, with the pulley you can increase the weight with which you work, posing new challenges safely.

5. Extra abdominal work

Even without trying, trained with pulleys any muscle group, you will be working abs. In order for you to maintain balance while pulling the tensioners, it is necessary that all the muscles of the core are put into action, so that you can maintain the necessary and correct posture in each of your movements.

Basic exercises with pulleys

As we have said, you have a multitude of options to work with the pulleys, making your muscle mass grow considerably. Among the exercises that you should include in a safe and effective pulley routine are:

  • Squats. They are always an option to stay in shape and gain strength in the abdomen and muscles of the lower extremities. By doing them with a pulley, the level of demand increases, as does the range of motion, something that will allow you to lower your glutes as much as possible and obtain better results.
  • Funds. It is a basic exercise to exercise your arms and pectorals. Among the benefits of doing them with pulleys, the added work of the lumbar area stands out, which also implies, without risk, of possible contractures.
  • Stride. Performing the movement of the stride, holding the pulley cable with your hands, doubles the effectiveness of this exercise, making it even more complete because practically all the large muscle groups (legs, arms and trunk) are involved.
  • Pulley row. Splendid exercise for arms, shoulders and back that beginners can safely practice with the pulley.


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