Physical exercise is a great ally for our health. Everyone knows that staying in shape brings us enormous benefits and prevents many diseases, in addition to making us get a better physical appearance. But this is not all, and if we start playing sports we will also improve our intellectual performance and we will be in a better mood, with greater mental health.

That said, it is difficult not to consider whether to start moving, what happens is that, with the times that run, it is difficult to find a space to dedicate to sport. For many people, this time is set at night, but exercising before bed causes insomnia. If this is your case, we give you some tips so that you can sleep peacefully after training and without giving up the sport.

1. Do not train intensely

If you are going to do sports before going to sleep, it is best to opt for a gentler exercise, and leave the intensity for other times of the day. It is important to bear in mind that when doing sports our body generates endorphins and our nervous system is activated. In other words, we are more active and it is difficult for us to relax to fall asleep. Therefore, doing exercises that are not very intense will be one of the best options to sleep well after doing sports every day.

2. Try relaxation techniques

Another option that will allow us to have a better sleep after exercising and sleeping well is to finish it with some techniques that help us relax. One of them is yoga. We can choose to do some relaxing stretches with this technique, which in addition to ensuring our health and well-being, can also help us fall asleep and rest better. If you prefer, you can also try a hot water bath or even a sauna if you have the option. Both methods will help you sleep better.

3. Try not to exercise before going to bed

It is one thing to do physical activity at the end of the day, and quite another to go to bed as soon as you finish training. We recommend that you wait about 3 or 4 hours before going to bed if you have exercised, so that you have given your body time to relax and rest after training, after the activation that you have given when training. In fact, for many people, instead of disturbing their sleep, this fact helps them sleep.

4. Take care of your habits

If you know that when your day is over you are going to train, try not to drink coffee that day, so that we give our body more facilities to be able to feel relaxed and fall asleep. It is also important that we eat a balanced diet, based on a light diet, which facilitates digestion and we can assimilate quickly, as is the case with proteins. If we eat too large meals, we may regret it at bedtime.

Other practices that cause insomnia are also proven, such as the use of screens that come from our beloved technology. The mobile phone, the tablet or even having the television on, are things that can affect our rest, therefore, everything you can do to sleep better will be beneficial.

Sleep or play sports?

It is clear that the benefits of physical exercise are multiple, and that training is a basic activity for human beings. However, it is important that we rest well, and if we do not get enough sleep, we can have disastrous consequences in our day to day, ranging from fatigue and bad mood to lack of performance. Therefore, it is very important that you find a way to exercise and also be able to sleep well at night, since one thing is not more important than the other.


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