Sport is one of the methods to feel better in every way. And it is that, those who exercise regularly can notice that they are in a better mood, more concentrated and more relaxed, not to mention that aesthetically we also feel much better. Therefore, doing sports has benefits both cognitively and emotionally as well as physical.

What happens is that to exercise you need motivation, and we find this in the challenges we set ourselves. For this reason, there are those who are tired of the usual exercises and are looking for something new. If this is your case, we suggest that you take an interest in HIIT. If you still don’t know what HIIT is, we will tell you about it and help you start practicing HIIT from scratch with some very basic tips.

HIIT for beginners: everything you need to know

These are high intensity exercises, so it will not be a good idea to jump into these exercises if you have just started doing sports. The first thing you should know is that this type of sport combines high intensity exercises, so, although you will not need to have run a marathon, it will be convenient for you to start working on your physical fitness with softer exercises if you are not there. Used to moving.

If you want to get started in the aerobic world, HIIT is a good idea. It is an alternative to the usual exercises in gyms, and being of high intensity, it allows us to lose fat and gain muscle quickly. It is something new for those who have tired of going to the gym to always do the same thing.

What is clear is one of the benefits of HIIT is that it provides us with extra motivation that we cannot find in other exercises. And it is that, while many people leave the gyms in the first month, with HIIT the statistics turn around and allow us to see how people are practicing this type of exercises.

In addition, by combining long-duration exercises with others of less intensity, it allows your body to recover and that we do not suffocate in the attempt. For this reason, doing sports does not become a real torture, but a most entertaining practice. We give you more tips to start practicing HIIT below:

1. If you haven’t practiced sports for a long time

HIIT combines high intensity exercises; therefore, if you have never practiced sports or it has been years since you left it, it is not at odds that you start with HIIT, but remember not to get too hard and do it with HIIT for beginners.

Sometimes, we make the mistake of wanting to enter the world of sport fully and we do it like the beast, without a net and without a parachute. We have to understand that getting used to our body is essential and that exercise is better little by little, because if we do a lot at once, we will surely end up abandoning, or what is worse, injuring ourselves.

2. Don’t do it fast, do it right

Another mistake we usually make when practicing HIIT is that we are too aware of the repetitions and a little less of the form. Actually, it’s important that we find our way to do it, and make sure we’re doing it right, before trying to do all the reps in the shortest amount of time possible.

Don’t worry if you don’t squat a lot the first time, even the second. The important thing is to do them well, and once you master this point, you will pick up speed. Because at the end of the day, what it is about is to improve, not to do it perfect and fast the first time.

3. Respect rest times

As much as you do not feel tired or think you can do more, think that the rest times are for something. It is necessary that you take those seconds to rest and do nothing else, since only in this way will you be able to lower your heart rate , which is precisely the purpose of this sport. If you don’t respect the times, you will end up lowering intensity and misusing HIIT.


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